Wisconsin Waushara County Real Estate for Sale
Phone: 1-608-339-8030
Coloma Township is located in Waushara County, Central Wisconsin home of the Village of Coloma along I-39 / 51 & State Highway 21. The west side of the township is mostly just large farm fields then as you look to the east it gets hilly by the interstate and the rest of the area is mix with small farms and woodlands. Coloma Township borders Adams County to the West and Marquette County to the South. Pleasant Lake one of the areas main recreation lakes; 126 acres with 2.3 miles of lakefront shoreline with a max depth of 24 ft which might be the headwaters for Chaffee Creek trout stream. There are several locations and acres of public land like Mecan River Fishery Area, Upper Fox Headwaters SNA (which stands for Sate Natural Area) Ice Age Trail, Mecan Spring SNA plus Coloma Park with tennis courts, baseball diamond, volleyball courts, playground equipment and more… Most of the public land is opened to the public for hunting, hiking, wildlife observation, etc... The start of the South Branch Wedde Creek is located on 100 acres of DNR Land part of the Mecan River Fishery Area. On this page you'll find real estate like Houses, Cabins, Mobile Homes, Double Wides, Lakefront Cottages, Hunting Cabins, Rustic Shacks, A-Frames, Manufactured, Housing, Farmhouses and more...
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