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City of Berlin WI 54923 Multi-Family Housing for Sale
City of Berlin WI 54923 is located in Waushara County, in Aurora Township and Green Lake County in Berlin Township, Central Wisconsin. This area features Fox River, Serveral Town Parks, River Side Park, Mascouin Golf Club, Berlin Fen State Natural Area, Public Land, Trout Streams, Public Hunting Grounds, Shopping, Restaurants, Schools, Willow Creek Fishery Area, White River Marsh Wildlife Area, REM Fox River Eureka Locks, Koro Railroad Priarie SNA and much more… The general area is mostly farmland with wetlands and some woods with the Fox River winding through the country side. The City of Berlin is a midsize community with a population a little over 5,500 and it's home to the school district and a branch of Girl Scouts of America. On this page you'll find real estate like Duplex, Townhouses, Side-by-Side Houses, Apartment Building, Two Three & Four Flat Housing, Triplex, Quadraplex, Townhomes and more located in this county listed by a real estate agents.
Berlin Wisconsin Multi-Family Homes for Sale
Real Estate for Sale | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property
City of Berlin Quick Facts
- Waushara County in Aurora Township and Green Lake County in Berlin Township.
- Area: 6.4 sq. miles
- General Size of City – Around 5,500+ people according to United States Census Bureau.
- Main Area Waters – Fox River, Willow Creek Trout Stream, Auroraville Millpond, Barns Creek, Green Lake, Rush Lake and Lake Poygan
- Area Features: Schools, Post Office, Banks, Shopping, Churches, Bars, Cafes, Gas Stations, Snowmobiling, Campgrounds, Water Parks, Gift Shops, Health Care, Public Land,
- Known for the Area Shopping Center, Town Parks and the Wisconsin River plus the Clock Tower on Main Street.
- Area Terrain – Mostly Farmland, Flatter Terrain, Wetlands and some Woods / Forest with Fox River running through the area…
- Area Code - 920
- Zip Code - 54923
- Access
- State Highway 49 & 91
- County Road – X, XX & F
- School District – Berlin
- Classified as a City
- History – Founded in 1857 and the Post Office started operations in 1848.
Berlin Wisconsin Multi-Family Houses for Sale
Real Estate for Sale | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family Housing | Commercial Property